Wilder World Outdoors: 2014 in Review

posted on December 31, 2014

2014 marked another banner year for the "Wilder World Outdoors." Though bears certainly stole the show, we faced no shortage of truly whacky hunting-related news this past calendar year. In case you missed one 2014's entries, I've categorized them below.

Here's to 2015, folks. Happy New Year, and happy hunting!

Nature vs. Nurture (Animals vs. People)

Man Goes Hand-to-Hand with Wounded Bear, Wins
When Whitetails Attack
Black Bear vs. Bulldogs
California Officials Kill Aggressive Mountain Lion
Bears Destroy Mock Campsite, Lone Cooler Survives
Don't Get Hit in the Head by a Snow Goose
Moose Allegedly Attack Snowmobiler, Researcher
Deer Breaks Into Minnesota Home, Battles Owner
Turkey Runs Off UPS Man

Of Poachers, Thieves and Crazy People

Homeowner Defeats Burglar with Bear Spray, Shotgun
Michigan Men Arrested for Buying Black Bear Parts

Out of Place Animals

Bear, Bigfoot or Hoax?
Bear Cub Gets Head Stuck in Cookie Jar
Bear Goes on Rampage in Washington
Bear Interrupts American Legion Baseball Game
Massive Alligator Caught Not Once, But Twice, near Hilton Head, S.C.
Whitetail Runs into Car, Reports to Hospital
Moose Captured on College Campus
Why Did the Geese Cross the Road?
Video: Black Bears Scale Cliff
Moose Falls Into Well, Stops Water Flow
American Chemical Society: Science of Deer Hunting Can Help Patients With Diabetes
Mountain Lion Goes for Stroll in Hollywood Hills

Just Plain Wild

Black Bears Come to Blows in New Jersey
Wilder World's "Best Of" Whitetail Entries
Pennsylvania Women Engage in Taxidermy Duel
Are These Athletes Really Busting Clays?
Bear, Hiker or Bigfoot?
OK, Who Brought the Bear?
Video: The Little Elk That Could
Goose, Turkey Smash Vehicle Windows
Bear Climbs Tree, Walks Tightrope for Meal


Drink Busch, Win a Once-in-a-Lifetime Hunting Vacation?



Tips for Hunting Late Season Ducks

The fourth quarter of duck season is the toughest time to kill educated, pressured birds. But paying attention to three details and making sensible adjustments can turn tough days into big wins.

First Look: GPO’s Centuri 3-12x44i Super Compact Riflescope

GPO USA has announced its latest high-performance riflescope, the Centuri 3-12x44i Super Compact, is designed for shooters seeking a premium optic in a compact package.

#SundayGunday: Browning X-Bolt 2 Speed

This week, were checking out the Browning X-Bolt 2 Speed, an updated version of a backcountry rifle long loved by Western hunters. Built for the mobile hunter, the gun is as at home in the deer woods as it is deep in the mountains chasing elk.

Remington Ammunition Announces Hi-Speed, Hi-Savings Shotshell Rebate

Remington Ammunition recently announced its Hi-Speed, Hi-Savings rebate promotion which offers consumers the chance to be rewarded for purchasing some of Remington’s most trusted waterfowl ammunition.

CRKT Debuts its Kasilof Fixed Blade

Looking for a small, sleek knife equally as at home breasting birds and cleaning fish as it is gutting deer? Look no further than the Columbia River Knife & Tool (CRKT) Kasilof.

No Strikeouts in Texas

Just when it looked like the author would go home empty -handed, he hit a familiar vein, the ol’ Texas two-step.


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