
Predator Callers: Watch the Edges

Spring is a great time to call coyotes, fox, and bobcats. However, one mistake many novice callers make that costs them many an opportunity is forgetting to watch the edges.

How to Hunt Suburban Coyotes

Gas prices are up and the stock market’s down. Most of us are on a tight budget, but want to find some good hunting close to home that won’t push the fuel tab into three digits and keep us away from family and other obligations for days on end.

Management by Emotion

I see that my birth state—California—has not relinquished its stranglehold on the notion that the only proper way to manage its wildlife is through emotion. California has become the laughingstock of the nation for its polices, ranging from cultural to fiscal to wildlife management, and continues down that road with absolutely no remorse.

Long-Range Muzzleloading

The accuracy and effective reach of modern blackpowder rifles has benefited greatly from recent developments in the industry.

Woman Rescues Cat—Realizes Too Late It's a Bobcat

We've previously discussed the negative impact that house cats can have on upland birds and other critters. Wild felines such as bobcats, on the other hand, are a naturally occurring part of the environment. They are not the same animal, as a Maine woman found out the hard way.

To Catch a Predator

Don’t miss out on the hottest hunting in America. Coyotes, foxes, bobcats and more all await your attention.

Massachusetts Family Attacked by Rabid Bobcat

Wild animal attacks of varying degrees occasionally happen—when we venture out into nature, we put ourselves at the mercy of it. But it's not often you hear about someone being attacked within the usually friendly confines of their own garage.

Indiana Man Kills Leopard—In His Yard

It's not all that uncommon for a property owner in the Midwest to have to put down a four-legged predator from time to time—but it's not often that the animal in question is thousands of miles away from home.

Goodbye, 2013

A quick recap of some of the strangest stories covered by the "Wilder World Outdoors" this past year.

3 Must-Read Hunting Books—For Kids

Get your kids ready for school and reading now with these hunting tales.

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