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Look for Free NRA Hunter Ed Online in 14 States

NRA developed this online curriculum in 2017, free to residents in the 14 states where it is offered.

NRA Hunter Education Online Course Now Available in Alabama

The National Rifle Association’s award-winning free NRA Hunter Education online course is now available in Alabama, the latest addition as NRA works to make the course available to hunters in all 50 states.

NRA Online Hunter Education Program Reaches Over 100,000 Course Completions

The National Rifle Association is pleased to announce that over 100,000 hunters have completed the award-winning, free NRA Hunter Education online course since its inception in 2017.

Free Hunter Education Online: NRA’s Gift to Hunters

In 1949, your NRA developed a program that became the basis for hunter education nationwide. Today, as new modes of communication allow such education to reach even further, your NRA crafted a new hunter education curriculum and offered it to the hunting world free of charge.

Hunter Safety Thanks to Our NRA

In 1949, New York asked the National Rifle Association for help to improve hunter safety afield. The four-hour course that followed was a “pioneer effort” that has saved lives ever since. Today, no one can imagine American hunting without hunter education as a prudent rite of passage.

Kentucky Becomes Eighth State to Offer NRA Online Hunter Ed

On July 1, Kentucky became the eighth state to adopt the NRA’s free online hunter education course,

NRA Free Hunter-Ed Online May be Worth Millions Annually to States

NRA Hunter Education online, our free gift to hunters, just became a multi-million dollar gift to state wildlife agencies and conservation. All your state needs to do is accept the gift.

How to Introduce a Kid to Hunting

There's a right way—and a wrong way—to introduce kids to hunting. Here are tips to ensure they enjoy the experience.

Where to Find a Hunter

The number of hunters involved in our sport is in sharp decline. So where do we look to grow our ranks? The easiest people to recruit are those found within our own social circles.

First Light: NRA Introduces Online Hunter Education Course

Here's why NRA's free online hunter education course,, is the new standard by which all other hunter safety courses will be judged.


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