Six Secrets that Professional Chefs Will Never Share... Until Now!

You don't get to be a professional chef without knowing a thing or two about cooking—and in order to protect your job, you have to protect the tricks of the trade. Georgia Pellegrini has spilled the beans on a few professional secrets, though—and you should consider putting them to use on your wild game dishes this summer.

How to Build a Well-Stocked Larder or Pantry

When it comes time to put all those delicious wild game recipes to use, you'll want to be prepared. So how can you go about building a larder or pantry that's just as self-sufficient as your protein stores? Georgia Pellegrini has a few recommendations.

The Best Beers to Pair With Wild Game

Like a good glass of wine, the right beer can elevate your meal. When pairing beer and wild game, plan how flavors will compare and contrast. Malt and hops—two of the main ingredients in beer—are strong enough to stand up against the bold flavors typical of traditional wild-game dishes.

Recipe: Venison Stroganoff

This recipe is quick and easy to make, and the longer you let it simmer, the better it gets.

6 Steps to Delicious Wild Game

From the field to the table, Camp Chef’s Brooks Hansen shares his secrets for making your wild game taste better than ever before.

Recipe: Sous Vide Elk Tenderloin

A juicy, flavorful sous vide steak is easier and more affordable than ever to prepare at home. Your meat is guaranteed to be cooked to the perfect temperature every time, removing all guesswork on your end.

Recipe: Elk Stuffed Mushrooms

This delicious dish makes an excellent hors d’oeuvre or main course. If you’re looking to show off your wild-game culinary skills, this recipe should be added to your arsenal.

Recipe: Swedish Potato Wild Game Sausage

This Swedish potato sausage recipe has great flavor, and can made as a ring sausage in a bung casing. With potato and milk powder as part of the ingredients, the end product is a light-colored and dense.

Recipe: Corned Black Bear

Corning meat to flavor and preserve cherished protein is a method steeped in tradition, and it is a great way to turn a tough cut into a tender meal.

Recipe: Instant Pot Black Bear Roast

At the press of a button, the Instant Pot can sauté, pressure cook and slow cook to turn out stews, quickly cooked rice or beans or a mouthwatering, cooked-all-day meal. Get one, then try this delicious black bear pot roast recipe.

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