Alabama Rainout

Thanks to the cold, rainy weather, Porter’s second morning hunt in Alabama is also cut short, but maybe regrouping around the lodge fireplace mid-morning just might fuel a good plan for this afternoon.

Jim Porter Tags Eastern Turkey; Two Away from Grand Slam—Photo Gallery

NRA President Jim Porter got a break from the bad weather on Tuesday morning and dropped a beautiful Eastern gobbler, marking the second of the four turkey subspecies he needs to claim his prestigious grand slam.

Porter Harvests Rio Turkey; One Subspecies Remains In Hunt for Grand Slam

NRA President Jim Porter has been covering the turkey hunting bases this week, hitting three states in five days in pursuit of three of the four U.S. subspecies! NRA Publications' John Zent broke the news on Porter's Rio Grande in Texas late yesterday, and this morning we've got even more great photos to share. Check out the action in the gallery below.

Vermejo Park Ranch, Here We Come!

NRA President Jim Porter is only hours away from the Vermejo Park Ranch where he'll close in on the Merriam's and a turkey grand slam!

For the Good of the Group

For NRA President Jim Porter, it is rewarding to help wield the tremendous influence of our 5-million-plus membership’s united voice as a faithful servant of American hunters and shooters. Stopping to hunt the occasional wild turkey and maybe even earn a grand slam along the way is a bonus.

The Hunts of President Grover Cleveland

Grover Cleveland is remembered by most Americans as the only president to serve two non-consecutive terms, but along with Teddy Roosevelt he also was a president who hunted. Before Roosevelt, Cleveland set aside millions of acres of Western habitat for public use.

2020 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits Canceled

NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre has released the following statement regarding the 149th NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits, scheduled to be held April 16-19 in Nashville, Tenn.

Porter Bags Osceola and Sets Sights on Eastern

NRA President Jim Porter takes his Osceola on day one of his grand slam quest and heads right for Alabama in pursuit of subspecies No. 2: America's big and glorious Eastern!

Porter Tags His Eastern Gobbler!

It's two down and two to go as NRA President Jim Porter drops his Eastern gobbler, marking the halfway point to earning his prestigious grand slam!

"Own the [Bow]Hunt!"

The 2014 POMA conference offered those with a "Killer Instinct" the change to break outdoors in the warm weather and launch a few bolts downrange!

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