Wilder World Outdoors: 2014 in Review

A quick recap of some of the whackier stories covered by the "Wilder World Outdoors" in 2014.

The Wilder World So Far

A man getting hit in the head by a snow goose? Leopards in Indiana? Bears in bars? Here are Managing Online Editor Shawn Skipper's top five favorite Wilder World Outdoor stories so far.

Wilder World's "Best Of" Whitetail Entries

It's time to look back—in this case, at some of the best whitetail-related "Wilder World" entries thus far. Strap in, folks, this could get bumpy.

Goodbye, 2013

A quick recap of some of the strangest stories covered by the "Wilder World Outdoors" this past year.

From the Wilder Side: An Anti-Obama Deer & More

Strange things occassionally happen in this industry, and that's what the Wilder World Outdoors is here for. So enjoy these four actual stories from around the country, and keep an eye out for more "From the Wilder Side" recaps in the future.

OK, Who Brought the Bear?

Head-scratching incidents have a home here at the "Wilder World Outdoors." The most recent one comes from Washington University in St. Louis, where someone thought it was a good idea to bring a bear to a petting zoo.

When Whitetails Attack

Though far from the most aggressive game animal, whitetail deer have occasionally been known to put a hurting on an unsuspecting hunter. Here are a few "Wilder World Outdoors" posts that involve Bambi "striking back," so to speak.

Goose, Turkey Smash Vehicle Windows

Wilder World Outdoors has mentioned before how deer have a penchant for shattering windows, but recent reports have shown that their fowl friends aren't particularly keen on clear glass, either.

Off to Illinois

Looks like I'll be stepping away from Virginia and NRA HQ for a bit next week—I'm trekking out to Illinois on a family hunting trip with my dad and a handful of longtime friends.

Bear Climbs Tree, Walks Tightrope for Meal

What happens when a black bear finds a healthy supply of beaver meat suspended between two trees? Video evidence supplies the answer.

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