
Cutting Edge Broadheads

Broadheads, like bullets, are the only objects that actually impart a hunter’s deadly will on game, so their selection, quite literally, is vital. When the arrow leaves the bow, a hunter puts full trust in his broadhead, and because of this, few products arouse such emotion, loyalty and suspicion.

First Look: Garmin fenix 5X

Watches made for sporting/fitness purposes are one of the hottest items in the outdoor industry. Whether you're simply tracking how many steps in a day or intend to make full use of the miniature GPS on your wrist, they can be darn handy devices to have along. Garmin makes some of the finest GPS watches in the business, and Digital Managing Editor Shawn Skipper recently had the opportunity to test out their new fenix 5X during a Colorado elk hunt. Here are five things you need to know.

Recipe: Instant Pot Duck & Wild Rice

Duck and wild rice is a classic combination, but this recipe takes it up a notch with dried fruit and savory spices. Adding the Instant Pot into the equation means dinner is on the table faster than ever and your waterfowl is guaranteed to remain tender and moist.

2016 ATA Show Kicks Off in Louisville

Like a Kentucky Derby race horse, this outdoor editor plans to be the first out of the gate to check out this year’s new bowhunting and archery products.

How to Make the Most of Your Coyote Calling Partner

You want to kill more coyotes this winter … right? For now, set aside the off-the-wall strategies and gizmos. The simplest answer to more coyotes is to hunt with a partner. Here’s why.

Team Up for Pronghorn Success

Making plans for a stalk, deciding where to set a ground blind, keeping tabs on distant pastures or merely hauling game from the field are all made easier if two hunters are part of a pronghorn hunt.

Towsley's Top 10 Bullets

Our resident ammo aficionado weighs in with his top ten.

Broadheads for Turkeys

These reviews and recommendations for turkey broadheads are sure to help you take plenty of gobblers this season.

Broadheads for Turkey Hunting

If you bowhunt turkeys, which do you chose—an old-school, replaceable-blade broadhead, or new school mechanical head?

Charlie the Ostrich

Many find the ostrich charming, but as anyone who participated in the quixotic enterprise of ostrich farming that was popular during the 1980s and ’90s will tell you, these are vicious birds that are very strong and dangerous. Dave Campbell had a close encounter of his own, with an ostrich dubbed 'Charlie.'

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