
NRA Free Hunter-Ed Online May be Worth Millions Annually to States

NRA Hunter Education online, our free gift to hunters, just became a multi-million dollar gift to state wildlife agencies and conservation. All your state needs to do is accept the gift.

New California Ammo Regulations Drive Hunters From the Field

California's most recent package of firearm regulations were implemented this past year, and, as usual, they've done more harm than good. These new laws, full of red-tape hurdles, are driving hunters to quit hunting.

4 Reasons Why You Should Book Your Dream Hunt Now

If you’ve been considering booking a once-in-a-lifetime hunt, there’s never been a better time than the present. Here’s why.

2021: The State of American Game, Thanks to America’s Hunters

Through the remarkable vision of conservationists including NRA members, Americans today see wildlife thriving from sea to sea.

Hunter Safety Thanks to Our NRA

In 1949, New York asked the National Rifle Association for help to improve hunter safety afield. The four-hour course that followed was a “pioneer effort” that has saved lives ever since. Today, no one can imagine American hunting without hunter education as a prudent rite of passage.

Hunting is Saving Africa’s Wildlife

The bottom line is that African wildlife must pay its way in the modern world, and hunters provide that vital revenue.

Hunting’s Greatest Threats

While some hunting threats are old battles that have raged for decades, others might surprise and even provoke you.

From the Octagon to the Woods: Q&A with Jim Miller

AmericanHunter.org caught up with UFC Lightweight and NRA member Jim Miller to talk hunting, shooting and fighting on the eve of his next bout.

Waterfowler Numbers Take a Dive

Recent trends indicate that waterfowlers are ditching their duck blinds for deer stands.

Turkey Population Declines Make Hunters Accept Change

Even as turkey populations nationwide have declined, turkey hunters have remained optimistic. That attitude stands in contrast to hunters overall, particularly deer hunters, who seem grumpier all the time. Game agencies weigh these attitudes as they seek ways to reduce turkey harvests without reducing hunter satisfaction.

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