
Coyote Dogs: Why You Want One

A dog can boost coyote success, and just may be the perfect predator-hunting companion. Learn what it's going to take from you—and Dog—to make a coyote come running.

Rock Star Dogs and Little Gray Rockets

When it comes to action-packed hunts, squirrel hunting over a good dog rates among the best.

Study: More Fat, Lower Protein Boosts Dogs' Sense of Smell

Conventional wisdom has long dictated that performance dog food formulas—which experts recommend for active gundogs—ought to contain a high ratio of protein. But has a new study debunked this age old belief?

Veteran Advice for Rookie Dogs and Dog Owners

Hey Pup, I hear you’re finally going hunting. About time! Here's some sage advice to consider.

Dog Owners: Beware of Paintballs

Paintballs are labeled nontoxic, but can be harmful to dogs.

Montana Lion Hunter Loses All Three Dogs to Wolves

20-year-old Drew Zeiler quite literally lives for hunting mountain lions with his hounds.

88th Academy Awards Commercial Exposes HSUS’ Fraudulent Fundraising Tactics

Millions of Americans watching the Oscars last night got a public education on HSUS, thanks to a commercial trouncing the group’s history of fundraising deception.

Did You Know: Hunting Dogs Dominate State Breeds

Only a handful of states across the nation have named official canine representatives, but there seems to be a common thread among those that do: they have a habit of choosing breeds that have ties to hunting.

New for 2024: Silencer Central Banish Speed K

Born from a partnership between Federal Ammunition and Silencer Central, the Banish Speed K suppressor was developed with an eye toward those in uniform.

Why a Hunting Dog?

Guys and gals, if you’re going to put up with the expense and inconvenience of caring for a dog, why not care for one that can return the favor? One that can earn it’s keep? Working dogs are not just useful dogs, but happy, satisfied dogs. Fulfilled dogs. Dogs with a purpose in life.

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