Mossy Oak Releases Inaugural Wild Turkey Stamp for Conservation

posted on March 31, 2022
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Mossy Oak, the official camo of the National Wild Turkey Federation NWTF, is taking its conservation efforts to a new level with a brand new Wild Turkey Conservation Stamp project, that will donate 100-percent of all money raised (including expenses incurred) directly to wild-turkey conservation efforts. Mossy Oak is honored to unveil its inaugural wild turkey stamp as part of what will be an annual limited edition offering to support the wild turkey.

Mossy Oak’s Limited Edition 2022 Wild Turkey Conservation Stamp will be a 1.5-inch x 2-inch stamp titled “A Mossy Oak Moment”, created by artist Dan Moreton, originally painted for Mossy Oak in 1996. The stamp is available now at Every last penny raised in the sales of the Mossy Oak Wild Turkey Stamp will be entirely invested into wild-turkey research projects reviewed and approved by an advisory board including the likes of Dr. Mike Chamberlain and Dr. Marcus Lashley, among other devout GameKeepers.

Mossy Oak’s founder and CEO, Toxey Haas wrote the following letter that will be sent with each stamp order:

My dad taught me a lot of things growing up in the woods with him. Two of the ones he instilled from an early age that lasted a lifetime were to always leave my piece of dirt better than I found it, and to love and respect all critters we hunted, but especially wild turkeys. Later in life we started calling that being a gamekeeper.

The wild turkey hasn’t always been here. In West Point where I was born and where Mossy Oak remains, we didn’t even have wild turkeys when I was born. I had to drive down to Choctaw Bluff in south Alabama to hunt them. I can’t imagine a spring morning spent without the chance to hear one of the sweetest sounds in all of nature - a wild turkey gobble. And we dang sure want to do everything we can to ensure our kids and grandkids don’t have to wonder what that sounds like. No disrespect to so many other animals we love, but the wild turkey is the grandest of birds.

Without wild turkeys there would be no Mossy Oak. And it’s our responsibility to do everything we can with the time we have on earth to ensure the turkey hunting community leaves the wild turkey better off than we found them. Turkeys are a precious resource. And they’re more vulnerable than most of the animals we hunt.

We’ve always helped look after them, but we’re really proud to create our first wild turkey conservation stamp. Every cent we raise from this stamp will go directly toward conservation research and projects with nothing left over. If we can do what we can with the dirt we’ve been given and everyone reading this does the same, we’ll have left it better than we’ve found it. And we look forward to helping fund some of the projects being pursued right now by some great gamekeepers around the country.

We know that in some areas of the country turkeys are thriving. But we know too that’s not the case everywhere. There are a lot of questions that don’t yet have answers. Thank you for being part of the solution.

Thanks for supporting Mossy Oak and for caring for the wild turkey. Working together, along with great conservation organizations like the National Wild Turkey Federation, we want to help ensure a bright future for these birds we all love.

Roost high

To learn more about Mossy Oak, their products and conservation efforts, visit


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