Benjamin Franklin once wrote that the bald eagle “is a bird of bad moral character” while the wild turkey “is in comparison a much more respectable bird.” Historians like to point to this opinion as an example of Franklin’s original thinking and eccentric rationale, but he was hardly alone in such reasoning. Ben simply paraphrased the feelings of every turkey hunter from Alabama.
Be their tails white or black, be they donkey-eared with wide crowns or basket-racked desert dwellers, the pursuit of deer across this land is as American as it gets. Here’s a look at the new gear that will get you there, keep you there and, we hope, return home stained a little red.
It's turkey season, y'all. Though seasons aren't quite open nationwide yet, thousands of hunters have already ventured into the great outdoors this spring to embrace the madness that is turkey hunting.
Associate Editor Jon Draper spent a few days chasing Kentucky toms with the guys from Knight & Hale Game Calls. Though the birds were largely uncooperative, Draper was able to tag one with the help of some pro-calling and more patience than he knew he was capable of.