
HSUS Misleading the Public Again?

Find out nine things you don't know about one the most notorious animal rights and anti-hunting organizations on the planet.

Calif. Senate Passes Ban on Hunting with Hounds

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) owes everything, from its occasional victories to its very existence, to lying. Consider the following: It has built up a huge war chest to push anti-hunting legislation and lawsuits by convincing donors it's affiliated with similarly named animal shelters (in reality HSUS donates just 1 percent of its budget to shelters). It led Michigan voters to confuse mourning doves with white doves. It has fought to ban the breeding of hunting dogs by lumping reputable kennels in with puppy mills.

Goodbye, 2013

A quick recap of some of the strangest stories covered by the "Wilder World Outdoors" this past year.

Moose Allegedly Attack Snowmobiler, Researcher

It's not uncommon for moose to be a little more ill-tempered than the other members of the deer family, and a number of recent incidents—two from Colorado, another from Maine—have placed the big-game animal firmly in the news this week.

Can Consumption of Protein Lead to Early Death?

A published study suggests too much consumption of animal-based proteins by middle-aged humans can lead to greater risk of cancer and diabetes. Hunters might disagree.

Bear Goes on Rampage in Washington

According to a report from a Fox affiliate out of Fall City, Wash., a bear tore apart three hen houses and a goat cage on a local farm, before setting its sights on one of the property owners.

Bowhunting: How Long to Wait Before Tracking a Deer

You’ve loosed an arrow, and the buck ran off. Trail him now or wait? Here are some clues to help you make the right call.

North Dakota Hunter Prevents Mountain Lion Attack

Gary Gorney, of Minot, N.D., was pheasant hunting in the Custer Mine area near Garrison, N.D. on Dec. 26 when he shot and killed a charging mountain lion.

Record Number of Mexican Wolf Pups Released

A record 22 captive-born Mexican wolf pups were placed in wild dens to be raised in the wild by surrogate parents after another successful cross-foster season.

Moose Falls Into Well, Stops Water Flow

Everyone's run into faulty pipes before—but not quite like this.

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