Flat Iron Steak Lead

How to Cook the Perfect Flat Iron Steak

This delectable muscle lies wide, long and flat on the front shoulder, leading many hunters who butcher their own game to simply grind it for burger or sausage. That’s a mistake.

How to Cook the Perfect Venison Steak

Here’s a foolproof way to cook a venison steak to carnivorous perfection in only six minutes.

6 Steps to Delicious Wild Game

From the field to the table, Camp Chef’s Brooks Hansen shares his secrets for making your wild game taste better than ever before.

Recipe: Venison Rouladen

Repurpose your roast by turning it into rouladen.

Recipe: Venison Burger Bombs

How do you say no to a stuffed log of hamburger rolled in bacon and ready for the grill?

Hunting Season, Brought to Table

A simple, elegant and approachable way to cook your game meats brought to you by professional chef, hunter and graduate of the Culinary Institute of America Matthew Cosenzo.

The Best Way to Cook Venison Steaks

If you’re cleaning out your freezer to make room for the coming season, here are five tips for getting the most out of your wild-game steaks.


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