JTH Join The Hunt No Child Left Behind Lead

Join the Hunt: No Child Left Behind

One good way to ensure your children grow up to appreciate hunting is to include them in every aspect of your hunting lifestyle from the outset of their lives. Here’s how the author did it.

New Guide to Help Gain and Retain Hunters

The guide is now available for use by practitioners working in the fields of hunting and shooting sports to aid their efforts in recruiting, retaining and reactivating (R3) hunters, target shooters and other outdoor recreationists.

Media Matters: The R3 Power of TV And Film

With media consumption and its influence at an all-time high, positive Hollywood-depictions of hunting may provide a way to introduce new hunters to our ranks.

4 New Hunters: Which One Is Joining You?

Every aspiring hunter dreams of a perfect first experience, and every mentor longs to create it. But before the perfect scenario can be created, a mentor needs to understand just exactly what kind of temperament his charge may possess. Here’s a look at four types of hunters: Is one of them your pupil?

How We All Ensure the Voice of the American Hunter Is Never Silenced

As we celebrate 150 years of the NRA and reflect on the progress generated by NRA hunter members over the years, let us also acknowledge that our once widely accepted pastime is being pushed to the fringes then commit to recruiting others to “Join the Hunt.”

Join the Hunt: Our New Mission to Recruit More Hunters

As NRA members and hunters, we have the responsibility to increase our ranks. Through our NRA memberships, we have all the resources needed to do exactly that. So what's stopping you?

Join the Hunt: Be It Resolved ... This Year, Make a Hunter

We all can count the many blessings afforded by our lifestyle as hunters. Now, before Christmas fades, is the time to recognize that each of us can pass on these gifts to another. This year, give the gift of hunting.

Join the Hunt: Saving Hunting by Promoting the Big Picture

Along with the R3 movement (recruit, retain, reactivate), to save hunting’s future we must focus the next generation not only on the fun, physical challenges and nutritious, tasty meals inherent in hunting but also on how it cultivates wisdom and strengthens character.

NRA, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Sign MOU

The organizations agree to cooperate on hunter recruitment, firearm training, wildlife conservation during 10-year agreement.

Hunters Not Happy with MeatEater’s Anti-R3 Jab

Article written by MeatEater founder's brother has the potential to divide hunters, but we should not let that happen.

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