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Are These Athletes Really Busting Clays?

Are the viral videos featuring a golfer and a football player busting clays with the respective tools of their trade legitimate, or just a little Hollywood magic?

Build Bowshooting Skills with 3-D Targets

Putting a sticker in the middle of your 3-D target's vitals creates just the bullseye you need to keep you aiming small as you hone those broadside and quartering-away shots.

Aim Small, Miss Small!

Simply visualizing the smallest bullseye as you launch your arrow may be just the tip for dropping that big buck this fall.

William the Apple Whacker

Whether you believe the legend of William Tell, you have to admit: Old biodegradable apples and other fruits and veggies make for fun, reactive archery targets!

Champion DuraSeal Targets

DuraSeal targets can take a beating on the range and make practice fun.

Block Invasion Archery Target

Available in two new, convenient sizes, the Block Invasion is an archery target that's easy to keep handy.

8 Ways for Hunters Survive Summer

Have the dog days of summer left you feeling a little blue? Don't give up hope! Kyle Wintersteen has offered a few fool-proof ways to sate your passion for the outdoors while you anxiously await fall.

Jumping Targets

Watch American Hunter's video on improving accuracy with jumping targets.

Taking a Shot at the Best New Targets for 2012

With practically every new archery product on display at the ATA show, we made it our mission to track down the best new targets for 2012.

Field Logic GlenDel Pre-Rut

The Glen Del Pre-Rut has a 4-sided PolyFusion core and gives you seven times more surface area than any other target on the market.

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