Terror On The Kenai Lead

Lessons Learned from a Grizzly Bear Attack on the Kenai

In November 2012, Blake Gettys was tending his trap line in Alaska when a grizzly attacked him. Now, the victim and his storyteller examine the event in detail to determine what, if anything, could have gone better.

Bowhunter Attacked by Grizzly in Montana

A grizzly bear charged and attacked a bowhunter in Montana, resulting in a 16-inch gash in his head that required 90 stitches to close.

Coyote Attacks Three-Year-Old Girl on Front Porch

A Washington state family had a close call last Thursday Nov. 30, when their three-year-old daughter was attacked by a coyote on the front porch of their home.

Woman Saves Dog From Coyote Attack with Newspaper

Tucker, a 12-year-old Chihuahua, has fought diabetes, a brain tumor, near-blindness and, most recently, a pair of attacking coyotes.

Coyote Attacks Becoming More Aggressive?

Coyote attacks on pets have become normal news fodder in the last few years, and these three stories from the last few weeks may be an example of how aggressive the canine predators are becoming.

Woman “Buttstrokes” Bear with Shotgun, Saves Husband

Gerre Ninnemann was staying at his Silver Cliff, Wis., cabin when heard a commotion. He looked out a window and—to his horror—a black bear was chasing his dog. He went outside to call the dog into the cabin. The dog made it, but Ninnemann wasn’t so lucky.

When Whitetails Attack

Though far from the most aggressive game animal, whitetail deer have occasionally been known to put a hurting on an unsuspecting hunter. Here are a few "Wilder World Outdoors" posts that involve Bambi "striking back," so to speak.

Worldwide Exclusive: Wisconsin Deer Hunter Fends off Wolves with Walther PK .380

Army veteran says: “I’d be dead without my military experience.”

Wisconsin Hunter Credits Military Training to Survival of Wolf Attack

Army veteran Matt Nellessen tells his story to AH because, “if I’m getting ahold of anybody it’s gonna be the NRA.”

What Bear Attacks Tell Us

With the number of bear attacks breaking records, it’s time to see what can be done to stop the trend.

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