
As Ageless As the Plains

While the golden age of upland hunting may be a distant memory, the traditions born 50 years ago are still alive, and there is still plenty of great bird hunting to be found.

Hunters, Hear This: New Solutions for Hearing Enhancement and Protection

A lifetime of shooting takes its toll. Here’s how to reconnect to the rest of the world.

Submit Your Photos Now for Members’ Best 2019!

By March 1, a photo and a 200-word description of when, where and how you filled your tag is all we need. We'll run the top entries in the American Hunter magazine this June—your photo could even make the cover!

Top 8 New Products for Gundog Owners

Here’s the rundown on some of the best new products you won’t want to leave behind when you and your four-legged companion head afield.

Top 6 Upland Loads for Late-Season Hunts

Though the year is winding down, there’s still plenty of birds to be had for the hunter willing to bear the cold. Grab a box of shells from this list and hit the snow-covered fields knowing these loads have what it takes to drop upland birds.

Best 28-Gauge Shotguns of 2018

A surprising number of shotgun manufacturers currently offer 28-gauge models—response to a renewed interest in hunting upland birds with the sub-gauge. Here are six of the best 28s on the market today.

Why You Should Shoot a 28-Gauge

The 28-gauge is an easy-swinging machine that hits that sweet spot for busting birds. Naysayers don't know what they're missing.

Top 10 Shotguns of 2018

From sleek Italian side-by-sides to pumps that punch above their pay grade, these new scatterguns should be on every hunter's wish list.

Why Donating Venison Matters

While it’s easy to recognize the benefits of programs like Hunters for the Hungry, sharing game meat has a host of other positive impacts that are more difficult to quantify.

Hardware: Benelli Ethos 28-Gauge, 3-Inch

The 28-gauge Ethos is a quality sporting shotgun from a trusted maker, and the 3-inch shells go a long way toward closing the power gap between this increasingly popular sub-gauge and its larger kin.

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