First Look 2013: Firearms

Check out this rundown of some of 2013's upcoming firearms releases—many of which will be on display at the 2013 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in May.

A Movie for Hunters Who Like Movies

It's no secret that Hollywood hasn't been much of friend to the American hunter in the last century. That said, if someone were to produce a modern hunting film, how would you want it to be done? Stephen Hunter has some ideas of his own.

How to Book an Outfitted Big-Game Hunt

Outfitted hunts can be a fantastic experience—or an unmitigated disaster. There's no guaranteeing a great hunt, but you can take steps to better your chances. How? Longtime hunter Bob Robb explains.

Fear the Giant Land Snail?

There are plenty of critters out there for hunters and outdoorsmen and women to be wary of, especially at this time of the year, when temperatures are rising—but seriously, a snail? Unfortunately, that could well be the case.

Sarah's First Turkey

Turkey down! Assistant Online Editor Sarah Smith Barnum tagged her first ever turkey. Here's what happened...

Indiana Man Kills Leopard—In His Yard

It's not all that uncommon for a property owner in the Midwest to have to put down a four-legged predator from time to time—but it's not often that the animal in question is thousands of miles away from home.

NFL Stars to Race Cheetah

According to reports, the NFL's Chris Johnson and Devin Hester will soon be testing their speed against a cheetah on the National Geographic Channel.

Woman Mauled by Feral Cats

A pack of feral cats attacked a woman in France—and managed to pierce an artery in doing so.

That Time a Jaguar Killed a "Crocodile"

A photographer in Brazil was able to capture a series of photos depicting a jaguar's ambush of a yacaré caiman.

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