
A Backpack Hunter’s Must-Have Equipment List

Karen Mehall Phillips had the chance to train for a grueling backcountry hunt at Magpul's inaugural Backcountry Hunter's Course. One of the first things she learned was precisely what any backpacking hunter will want to have on hand at all times.

ThermaCELL Announces New Rechargeable Heat Packs

Nobody likes cold hands, let alone cold feet. ThermaCELL has long tried to keep hunters' digits a little crisper with products like its Heated Insoles, and is submitting a new entry for consideration on your "must have" gear list: rechargeable Heat Packs.

ThermaCELL Introduces Repellent Camp Lantern

ThermaCELL has announced a new Repellent Camp Lantern, which brings the company's patented mosquito repellent technology together with the features of a rugged, versatile lantern.

American Hunter's 2014 Holiday Gift Guide

Finding the right one amidst a flooded marketplace can be a challenge. In an effort to keep your holiday season stress levels to a minimum, the editors of American Hunter have assembled this handy 2014 Holiday Gift Guide.

The Pre-Rut Gamble

Are you good enough? That's the question to consider when hunting a mature buck while the canopy is still up and bright and the rut’s madness is still weeks away.

ThermaCELL Multipurpose Flameless Torch

ThermaCELL has announced the introduction of its new multipurpose flameless torch, the first torch of its kind to hit the market.

Mosquito Protection

ThermaCell keeps mosquitoes at bay while hunting hogs.

ThermaCELL Heated Insoles ProFLEX

Last year, ThermaCELL Heated Insoles helped transform how time is spent outdoors by bringing heat to hunter's feet. Now ThermaCELL is introducing a one-of-a-kind heated insole with new features, including extendable use and increased flexibility.

8 Spring Bear Hunting Essentials

If you are heading out on your first-ever black bear hunt this spring, you may be a bit confused as to what gear you really need to be comfortable and successful. Besides the obvious, here’s what you have to throw into your duffel.

Hunting Spring Squirrels

Spring squirrel hunting is a great way to expand your season and avoid the off-season blues.

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