
Member's Hunt: Killer Hippo for All

Member Samir Suleiman got even more than he bargained for when he booked his dream hunt of a lifetime in Africa.

Attention American Hunters: U.S. Government Restrictions on Africa Trophy Importation Begin on Jan. 22

New U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service rules affect all African lion hunts—and your ability to import your lion trophies back to the United States—beginning Jan. 22.

Hunting the Black Bulls of Mozambique

A safari for Cape buffalo and sable may have its "dark" side, but this opportunity is surely one of the brightest combo hunts in present-day Africa.

Ivory Trade Ban, Limits on Elephant Imports and What They Mean for Hunters

If unchecked, a proposed ban on the sale and trade of legally owned ivory would harm American hunters.

HLF Member Spotlight: Bill & Suzie Brewster

When you describe Bill and Suzie Brewster, "powerhouse couple" is merely a start for an NRA Life-member duo who has led the way in business and philanthropic affairs for decades.

A Ride-Along with Stewards of Africa's Wild

Africa keeps its wildlife wild and free only by adhering to a strict conservation philosophy that includes all stakeholders—government entities, ranchers, hunting outfits, professional hunters and human inhabitants in the bush—putting skin in the game.

An African Big-Game Hunt, Caprivi Style

Standing toe-to-toe with Earth’s largest land mammal makes one thing clear: Elephant hunting is not a task to be taken lightly.

Give it Back

Dave Campbell had a chance to introduce firearms to a new generation earlier this month at the "Sportsman's Retreat."

More Dumb Poacher Stories from 2011 hates letting attempted misdeeds go un-laughed at. Read on for more dumb poacher stories from 2011.

Handgun Hunting Varmints

If you want to spice up your next varmint hunt, try going after them with a belt gun.

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