
Top 8 New Products for Gundog Owners

Here’s the rundown on some of the best new products you won’t want to leave behind when you and your four-legged companion head afield.

Must-Have Gear for Field Dogs

Here are five canine-related products you'll want to have on hand next time you’re in the field.

How to Hunt Pheasants Without a Dog

No dog? No problem. You can still bag a limit of pheasants. Hunt model pheasant habitat, and remember what a ringneck likes to do—run. Also, a couple of partners as drivers and standers always come in handy.

Dog Food for Working Dogs

Is your dog eating right for your hunt? Ron Spomer shares some insight into what you should be feeding your gun dog.

Bird Dog Road Trips

Your destination hunting adventure includes your gundog. A doggy road trip can be quite intimidating indeed. So what should you do? You’ll both have a great hunt if you use this advice to plan ahead.

Review: Jagdhund-USA

Austrian-based Jagdhund is now offering its gear in the United States, through Steyr Arms. Richard Mann took a closer look at some of the company's more hunting-driven offerings.

Gundogs: Beware the Burs

If you run a big, hairy dog, you know the drill after days afield: long hours spent untangling weeds, sticks and burs from the matted coat of your hunting companion. Follow these tips to make the chore easier.

Yooper Grouse: A Date with the King

Michigan’s Upper Peninsula is home to some of the most rewarding and torturous grouse habitat in the country. Grouse hunters who flock there wouldn’t have it any other way.

How to Stay in Shape During the Off-Season

Summer can be used to ensure that you’re fit enough to enjoy outdoor pursuits safely and without discomfort—you don't want to fall behind your buddies, do you?

Gundogs: Stop Hard-Mouth Before It Starts

Poor training or breeding can leave any dog with a bad case of hard-mouth, but with a bit of work it can be corrected.

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