
Cutting It Close: Sharp Gift Ideas

Can’t think of what to get that special shooter/hunter/outdoorsman on your list? You know, the man, woman or kid who already appears to have it all? Take our word for it, anyone who likes to pull a trigger, bag a game animal and/or be prepared for the worst will like getting a knife … er, another knife. You can never have too many blades, and so here are some last-minute cues to can't-miss gifts.

Hunters: The Founding Fathers Want A Word With You

In 1759, before the Declaration of Independence was conceived of, and before the American Revolution began, Benjamin Franklin made what would seem to be an obvious observation: “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.”

Where Criminals Get Their Guns

Across all media these days the information is far from accurate when it comes to the culture war waged against gun owners.

Coyote Attacks Becoming More Aggressive?

Coyote attacks on pets have become normal news fodder in the last few years, and these three stories from the last few weeks may be an example of how aggressive the canine predators are becoming.

Lessons from Girl Hunter Weekends contributor Georgia Pellegrini regularly hosts her own "Girl Hunter Weekends." Here's what she's been learning from the largely all-female trips.

Keeping iPhones Safe: Snow Lizard's SLXtreme 4

Like to lead an adventurous lifestyle? The SLXtreme 4 from Snow Lizard Products is designed to offer the highest level of in-the-field protection for iPhone 4 and 4S models, and could be a good fit for outdoorsmen and women that demand the most from their gear.

A Movie for Hunters Who Like Movies

It's no secret that Hollywood hasn't been much of friend to the American hunter in the last century. That said, if someone were to produce a modern hunting film, how would you want it to be done? Stephen Hunter has some ideas of his own.

You Killed a Wild Turkey—Now What?

Even the latest spring turkey seasons throughout the country will be closing within the next few days—were you among the many hunters that took their first gobbler this year? If so, now it's time to decide what to do with it. Georgia Pellegrini offers the following recommendations.

Woman “Buttstrokes” Bear with Shotgun, Saves Husband

Gerre Ninnemann was staying at his Silver Cliff, Wis., cabin when heard a commotion. He looked out a window and—to his horror—a black bear was chasing his dog. He went outside to call the dog into the cabin. The dog made it, but Ninnemann wasn’t so lucky.

Hunts Gone Wrong

Every hunter leaves the house in the morning hoping for a problem-free hunt—but that's just not always how things go. What if, for example, the prop fell off of a boat like the one seen here? It's happened. Learn about that incident—and a few others—in this recap of hunts gone wrong.

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