
New World-Record Non-Typical Mule Deer Confirmed by Pope and Young Club

An enormous 40-point muley taken in Saskatchewan in 2018 was confirmed as the new world record by the Pope and Young Club with an official score of 291-⅛ inches.

Kansas Teen Tags World-Record Non-Typical Whitetail

Fourteen-year-old Paslie Werth, of Cimarron, Kan., shot a massive deer on Sept. 6—a 42-point whitetail buck tallying a gross green score of 282 6/8 inches—while rifle hunting on family property with her father.

First Look: X-Vision Optics Hands-Free Night Vision Binocular

Designed with hunters in mind, the X-Vision Deluxe Digital Hands-Free Night Vision Binocular boasts durable construction and a rubber exterior, for extended use in the field.

Massachusetts Family Attacked by Rabid Bobcat

Wild animal attacks of varying degrees occasionally happen—when we venture out into nature, we put ourselves at the mercy of it. But it's not often you hear about someone being attacked within the usually friendly confines of their own garage.

Don't Throw Rocks at Bison

Since at least one person in this crazy world didn't seem to realize it, lets make this clear: you shouldn't throw rocks at bison.

Hunter-Friendly Custom Bed Sets from Camo Trading

You wear the patterns and logos all season long—so why not surround yourself with what you love when you're calling it a night, too?

Deer Breaks Into Minnesota Home, Battles Owner

Any self-aware homeowner worries about the chance that a bump in the night could turn out to be a real threat. A Minnesota couple, however, recently had a run in with a different breed of intruder—a very lost deer.

Kalahari Gemsbok and a Leopard at the Bait

The high horns of Kalahari gemsbok and improving odds of killing a leopard highlight the middle of Executive Editor Adam Heggenstaller's safari to Namibia.

Tennessee Poachers Receive Nationwide Lifetime Hunting Ban

Two Tennessee men have lost their hunting privileges, both locally and throughout much of the United States, for the remainder of their lives after being found guilty of killing more than 40 whitetail deer out of season.

Submit Your Photos Now for Members’ Best 2019!

By March 1, a photo and a 200-word description of when, where and how you filled your tag is all we need. We'll run the top entries in the American Hunter magazine this June—your photo could even make the cover!

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