
Everything but the Oink

A growing nuisance in 45 states, feral pigs have established an increasing presence in the wine country of California’s northern Sonoma County. And just like nearly everywhere else, they are a problem there, too.

Recipe: Corned Black Bear

Corning meat to flavor and preserve cherished protein is a method steeped in tradition, and it is a great way to turn a tough cut into a tender meal.

How to Cook the Perfect Venison Steak

Here’s a foolproof way to cook a venison steak to carnivorous perfection in only six minutes.

How to Render and Use Wild Game Fat

A meat's distinctive flavors reside in the fat, and with wild animals, it is all dependent on what they have been eating and where they came from.

The Best Beers to Pair With Wild Game

Like a good glass of wine, the right beer can elevate your meal. When pairing beer and wild game, plan how flavors will compare and contrast. Malt and hops—two of the main ingredients in beer—are strong enough to stand up against the bold flavors typical of traditional wild-game dishes.

Field Care for Good Venison

Mike Roux shares his tips and tricks for caring for venison from field to table.

Hunting Season, Brought to Table

A simple, elegant and approachable way to cook your game meats brought to you by professional chef, hunter and graduate of the Culinary Institute of America Matthew Cosenzo.

How to Make Bacon

Even individuals who reject gun ownership and hunting—and some vegetarians—have a hard time resisting fresh bacon made from a wild hog.

Top Wild Game Cookbooks

There are plenty of cookbooks still on the market that are useful tools in guiding you in your wild endeavors in the kitchen.

Top 10 African Game Animals

Man, how do you possibly rank the top ten African game animals? Contributor Philip Massaro is going to try.

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