Go West for Early Birds and Lots of ’Em

They say the early bird gets the worm, but the early hunter gets the bird. Lots of birds, especially out West where seasons open as early as late August.

NRA Hunters Lead the Fight in Culture War

Launched in April, the NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum assembles a collection of leaders from across the hunting world dedicated to the enrichment and growth of the NRA’s mission to promote and defend hunting.

HLF Member Spotlight: Bill & Suzie Brewster

When you describe Bill and Suzie Brewster, "powerhouse couple" is merely a start for an NRA Life-member duo who has led the way in business and philanthropic affairs for decades.

Stop Pennsylvania Game Commission from Altering Youth Hunter Policy

Despite that Pennsylvania’s mentored hunting-license program was designed to create opportunities for newcomers to hunting, a new proposal simply creates more barriers.

Five Spring Hunts You Can Afford

Spring is here, but that doesn’t mean we need to put our boots in the attic and forget the combination to the gun safe—there are plenty of hunting opportunities that come along with the changing seasons. Let’s take a look at five spring hunts that meet a variety of budgets.

First Light: Hunter ‘Churn’

More is learned about what keeps hunters in the field every year thanks in part to license-sales data.

The Best Upland Pants Ever?

Do Remington 1816's upland pants live up to the lofty claims made in their marketing?

Shoot, And Shoot More Often

Lessons learned regarding follow-up shots by a PH with a lifetime of experience in Africa apply to big-game hunters anywhere.

HLF Member Spotlight: A Family Affair

For Pennsylvania’s Regis and Diane Synan, putting family first extends to their NRA family as they support NRA goals and objectives as members of the NRA President’s Founders Club of the NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum.

Governor Christie Signs Apprentice Hunting Bill

Youth hunting bill becomes law just in time for the fall hunting season in New Jersey.

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