
Join the Hunt: Our New Mission to Recruit More Hunters

As NRA members and hunters, we have the responsibility to increase our ranks. Through our NRA memberships, we have all the resources needed to do exactly that. So what's stopping you?

Why Hunt?

Despite what the anti-hunting crowd would like non-hunters to believe, the ethos of hunting is rooted in something far deeper than trophies.

Media Matters: The R3 Power of TV And Film

With media consumption and its influence at an all-time high, positive Hollywood-depictions of hunting may provide a way to introduce new hunters to our ranks.

Why Hunting Affirms Americans’ Values Toward Animal Welfare

Americans’ attitudes about hunting exist across a continuum of acceptability from animal rights to animal welfare to “dominionism.” Understanding this continuum is crucial to communicating our mindset as hunters and why hunting fits the American landscape now and into the future.

Join the Hunt: Argue to Succeed

Most Americans do not disapprove of hunting. Then again, most Americans don’t really understand much about conservation. As we advocate for hunting’s role on our landscape, it’s important to note arguments that work and don’t work when speaking with nonhunters and anti-hunters.

Top 5 Centerfire Rifle Cartridges of All Time

Is this the be all, end all list? Here are Philip Massaro's top centerfire rifle cartridges of all time.

Hardware: Tract Toric UHD 30mm FFP Hunting Rifle Scope

The TORIC UHD 30mm Hunting Rifle Scope was developed for use by today’s long-range hunters and designed to be lightweight and small enough to be at home on a hunting rifle, but is not out of place on a precision rifle, either.

American Hunter 2023 Golden Bullseye Award Winners

American Hunter has announced the recipients of its 2023 Golden Bullseye Awards, honoring exceptional design, manufacturing, performance and value for American hunters and gun owners.

The Shot

In the open Sonoran Desert, where mule deer can be spotted at the edge of your range, it pays to prepare for long shots. A decent short game doesn’t hurt either.

Top 5 Hunting Rifles to Buy Used

Some of the best bolt-actions aren’t new, they’re used. Here are five models you should pursue.

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