Tim Sundles, proprietor of Buffalo Bore Ammunition is no stranger to bears. An avid hunter and outdoorsman, Sundles believes in the protection offered by a sidearm while in bear country. However, Sundles is acutely aware that the .44 Magnum and its bigger brethren are typically too much for the average person to manage, particularly under duress.
With that in mind, and the typical carry gun playing double duty in the outdoors, Sundles set about to create pistol loads that could turn the average personal defense pistol into a credible bear defense weapon. Sundles stated: “So many people have one pistol, for street carry or home defense. We wanted them to have a viable outdoor load when they go camping, hiking, or fishing.” Well aware of the positive attributes offered by flat-nosed hardcast bullets in bigger calibers on large game, Sundles created a line of ammunition dubbed “Outdoorsman,” in 9mm, .38 Special, .357 Magnum, .40 S&W, 10mm and .45 ACP, featuring a heavy for caliber hardcast, flat-nosed bullet for uncompromising straight-line penetration.
Developed and thoroughly tested by Sundles, the Outdoorsman turns the average carry pistol into a sidearm more suited for stopping physically bigger threats than man.
For more information, go to BuffaloBore.com.
Editor's Note: As you may know, the Outdoorsman 9mm recently helped an Alaska outfitter defend fishermen from a raging grizzly bear. Check out that story here.
No stranger to big bears, Sundles killed this record book brown bear off of the Alaskan peninsula.