If you left your archery target sitting out in the sun, wind, rain and snow all winter, you may have found it wasn’t in the best shape come spring. Thanks to a handy new product called the Target Tarp, we bowhunters now have a convenient way to protect our archery targets from the elements in cases when we’re not able to bring them indoors.
The Target Tarp comes in multiple sizes and shapes to fit any target, whether a block, bag, square, range and/or small-game target. A 3-D Target Tarp is also available and fits over most standing 3-D deer, goat, sheep and antelope targets measuring up to 45 inches chest-to-rear. The 3-D version features an adjustable opening for maneuvering around the head and horns.
UV- and water-resistant, the Target Tarp prevents fading and cracking and stands up to the harshest weather. Multiple tie-downs keep it secured so come spring we don’t have to rush out and buy new—and sometimes expensive—targets.