So long as it's legal where you're at, it's typically good practice to carry a handgun when you're venturing into nature—whether it's a backup gun on a hunt, or for your personal protection as you hike or scout. What you're loading your firearm of choice with, of course, depends entirely on whatever region you're exploring. For folks in snake country, though, the choice can be simple—which is why CCI has had such success selling its shotshell handgun cartridges.
New for 2016 is CCI's latest addition to that line, in the way of the recently announced Big 4. Looking to carry No. 4 shot in your favorite 9mm and put an end to your pest problems? This is what you've been waiting for. Here are five things you need to know.
1. Big 4 isn't just a snazzy name.
As you might have figured out, the name "Big 4" was born straight from the new line's main selling point: Each cartridge is loaded with No. 4 lead shot. The upgrade is designed to let hunters and outdoorsmen eliminate larger pests at longer ranges.
2. It's been in development for some time.
CCI has long been king of the shotshell for handguns, but its engineers had been working on the next generation of products for some time. The idea was simple: deliver more power than the company's standard offerings. It's what customers wanted. Big 4 began its development as "Big Shot," because original concepts started with just three or four pellets of very large shot. When that didn't quite deliver the goods, No. 4 shot was incorporated into the design. Its performance impressed engineers, and "Big 4" was born.
3. It's effective out to 15 feet.
Like I said, CCI is marketing Big 4 as a load that will allow for longer ranges. Don't like getting too close to that snake before you send it to meet its maker? I don't think you're alone in that—and neither does CCI. The Big 4 cartridges have been found to be effective out to about 15 feet. That may not sound like a lot, but it'll sure sound better than five or 10 in the moment.
4. Four variants will be available at launch.
Big 4 will, quite appropriately, be available in four different chamberings when it hits the market. All four offerings will be available in boxes of 10 shotshells. 9mm Luger will ship with an MSRP of $17.95, .38 Spl./.357 Mag. will list at $14.95, while .44 Spl./.44 Mag. and .45 Colt will both be available at $19.95 per box.
5. .45 ACP is on the way.
Before you ask, yes, a .45 ACP offering is on the way. I have it from the folks at CCI personally. Don't panic.
For more information, go to CCI-Ammunition.com.