LEDE Changes In Record Books Announced

Changes in Record Books Announced

Boone & Crockett and Pope & Young have announced changes in their record keeping standards and species.

Pope and Young to Begin Accepting Bison from Fort Peck Reservation

The Pope and Young Club has announced that the Board of Directors has unanimously approved a recommendation from the Records Committee to allow trophy bison taken from the Fort Peck Indian Reservation into their Records Program.

Pope and Young Announces Two New World Records

Pope and Young announced a pair of new world records for whitetail deer on July 16, raising the bar in its Typical Whitetail Deer in Velvet and Non-Typical Whitetail Deer in Velvet listings.

Pope and Young Club Announces New World-Record Black Bear

On Feb. 8, during the Great American Outdoors Show, the Pope and Young Club convened a special panel of judges for a potential world-record black bear.

Pope and Young Club Announces New World-Record Rocky Mountain Goat

On Feb. 15, the Pope and Young Club convened a special panel of judges in Chatfield, Minn., for a potential new world-record Rocky Mountain goat.

New World-Record Non-Typical Mule Deer Confirmed by Pope and Young Club

An enormous 40-point muley taken in Saskatchewan in 2018 was confirmed as the new world record by the Pope and Young Club with an official score of 291-⅛ inches.

South Dakota Bighorn Sheep Confirmed New World Record

A special Pope and Young Club judges panel has declared a Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep taken in South Dakota in 2018 as the new world record with a final score of 209⅛ inches, surpassing the previous world-record ram by nearly 10 inches.

New World-Record Alaskan Brown Bear Confirmed by Pope and Young Club

Chris Cammack’s Alaskan brown bear was confirmed as the new Pope and Young Club World Record with an official score of 29-4/16 inches.


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