Hunting Boots For Every Season Lead

How to Choose the Right Hunting Boots for Every Season

Selecting the right footwear for your hunt is critical to your success. Here’s a look at what makes a great hunting boot and what designs are suitable for various conditions.

NRA HLF Donates $120,000 to First Hunt Foundation to Develop Free Online National Hunting Mentor Training

The NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum will help FHF, a national R3 organization, develop free, online interactive training mentors may use to recruit, train and retain new hunters.

Join the Hunt: To Hunt is to Travel

Whether we merely drive across the state or plan a lavish safari to parts unknown, hunting affords us the chance to travel mentally and physically. As we actively recruit and reactivate hunters, it’s important to retain our own zeal for the hunt, for when it comes to refreshment there is no substitute for new game and new ground.

How to Start a Fire

If you find yourself in need of a fire for survival, it pays to have the skills and the goods to make one happen. For starters, you need a means of ignition, tinder and plenty of wood—and you should practice making a fire before you actually need one.

4 Ways to Manage Buck Fever

These techniques will help you perform better when it matters most.

Join the Hunt: Start Them With Waterfowling

Want to ensure the next generation becomes productive members of society? Consider asking them to join the hunt, and start with waterfowl. Its mix of hard work and fast action is sure to keep ’em coming back—and on the right path.

The Curmudgeon’s Guide to Debating Anti-Hunters Part II

The author had an exchange about the local coyote population in Northern Virginia with a woman on social media. Their discussion serves as a good follow-up to his last article on handling anti-hunters.

Join the Hunt: Hunting Offers a Lifetime of Knowledge

As an experienced hunter, you are in a unique position to offer protégés a lifetime of knowledge of the field, firearms and more.

NRA Online Hunter Education Program Reaches Over 100,000 Course Completions

The National Rifle Association is pleased to announce that over 100,000 hunters have completed the award-winning, free NRA Hunter Education online course since its inception in 2017.

Hunting License Sales Down in 2021, But Remain Above Pre-Pandemic Levels

The 2022 National R3 Symposium wrapped up last week in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. The 220 participants representing over 100 different organizations with an interest in hunting and shooting sports were the first to lay eyes on data released from the Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports (Council), documenting a slight decrease in hunting license sales in 2021.

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