
Tales From My Father: Emergency TP

I’ve heard plenty of funny hunting stories over the years, but one of my personal favorites comes from my Dad, set a year so before I was even born and just after my parents had moved in together.

Wade Like a Real Man

I needed a pair of waders. It was that simple. The water was so cold it made me feel like I had been digging in the ice-cold beer cooler at a weekend barbecue for more than five minutes with my feet (gross, I know, but follow me here), only I didn’t come away with a frothy beverage—just cold feet.

Dumb Poacher Stories: Sept. 2012 Edition

Different seasons have opened around the country, and the rest of the fall and winter seasons are just around the corner.

8 Biggest Preseason Blunders

This fall promises to be the best hunting season of your life—but only if you properly prepare. Don't commit these common mistakes.

Doh! Man Suffers Two Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wounds

A 68-year-old Redfield, Iowa, man may be vying for a Darwin Award as he recovers from two—yes two—self-inflicted gunshot wounds. Apparently Larry Godwin caught a raccoon in a live trap and decided to dispatch the critter.

How to Shut Up a Lawyer

One of my favorite duck-hunting buddies is a hero of sorts: He went duck hunting on his honeymoon; he consistently finds good huntingamong the nation's mostcrowded public areas; and he married an attractive, young attorney.

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