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Judge Orders Convicted Poacher to Make Movie About Bears

We certainly live in an era of occasionally... creative... sentencing procedures, and according to a report from WPTZ, a Vermont judge didn't miss an opportunity to hit a poacher with an innovative punishment earlier this month.

Top 5 Most Horrifying Signs of Duck Depression

Are you primed for a severe case of Duck Depression? Here are five early symptoms to look out for, straight from renowned expert Kyle Wintersteen.

Deer Escapes Trunk, Probably Not a Zombie

A Michigan man learned first hand why you shouldn't move wild game until you know it's deceased last week—or came face-to-face with the beginning of the zombie uprising, I suppose—when he and two public safety officers were stunned to see a believed-to-be-dead whitetail burst from his car trunk in Kalamazoo, Mich.

The Man Who Changed a Tire in My Decoy Spread

It was an oddly warm January day on the Eastern Shore—in fact there were gnats in the air—but after a long, mid-day lull, the geese were back on the move.

Dumb Poachers: Feb. 2013 Edition

The winter 2012-2013 seasons are gradually winding down throughout the country. Quite a few hunters are preparing to close up shop for a few months.

Women Steal, Run Over Hunter's Trophy Buck

It's no secret that being a braggart can get you into trouble sometimes, and Kelly Sokel certainly learned that last November.

Tales From My Father: Put That Back!

It's nigh impossible to go on a hunting trip without coming back with a few yarns to spin, and another of my favorites involves my dad and his now (long retired) Golden Retriever, Chelsea.

When Housetraining Goes Awry

Please pardon my grammar if it's even more off than normal today, but I'm a tad frazzled. For the past 48 hours, I've been engaged in an activity that's both joyous and scream-into-a-pillow frustrating: housebreaking a dog. And I bought not one, but two springer pups. As if I thought one would be just too easy.

Holiday Hunting Time

The holidays usually mean a little time away from the grind and a lot of time with relatives, which provides you with a fantastic opportunity to get out and enjoy some old fashioned family hunting time.

Woman Rescues Cat—Realizes Too Late It's a Bobcat

We've previously discussed the negative impact that house cats can have on upland birds and other critters. Wild felines such as bobcats, on the other hand, are a naturally occurring part of the environment. They are not the same animal, as a Maine woman found out the hard way.

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