
Review: DoubleTap Ammunition's Ted Nugent Line

DoubleTap's Ted Nugent-branded ammo won’t make you a better guitar player, but it will do duty as full-power ammunition for whatever the world throws at you.

Hog-Control, Florida-Style

Want to add a wrinkle to your hog hunting? Chase hogs with dogs then use a Taurus Judge when you get close.

Hardware: Remington 1911 R1 10mm Hunter Long Slide

The R1 10mm Hunter Long Slide is a good choice for hunting smaller big game. It’s also a great gun for those who work outdoors and carry a handgun. This is a gun that can handle without compromise a wide range of issues: injured livestock, pest control, hunting opportunities or personal defense.

Behind the Bullet: .44 Remington Magnum

While there are many classic wheelgun calibers that date back to the late 19th century—the .44-40 and .45 Colt foremost among them—the relatively modern .44 Rem. Mag. has a well-deserved place among the most effective developments for a revolver, and will undoubtedly remain there for our lifetime and beyond.

The Big Hitters of Handgun Hunting

The right bullet loaded in the right big-bore handgun can deliver the news to even the biggest game with just as much authority as a rifle.

Undisputed Heavyweight Champion: The .500 Maximum

The .500 Maximum is to hunting revolvers what the big Nitro Express cartridges are to hunting rifles. Here’s why.

Know-How: Float the Dot

Handgun sights are normally zeroed at the factory for a hold that’s less than ideal when hunting. Learn to “float the dot” for a sight picture that’s better in the field.

Top 5 Big-Game Handgun Hunting Cartridges

Having hunted with a handgun across the globe over the last five decades, contributor Dick Williams shares his top five big-game handgun hunting cartridges.

One Lucky Day

Friday the 13th turned out to be the best day in January to hunt a Utah cat with a Ruger revolver.

A Beginner's Guide to Handgun Hunting

Hunting with a handgun is a challenging, yet intrinsically rewarding pastime. Here's a guide to get you started.

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