
Join the Hunt: Mission or Fun?

To coax skeptics into shooting sports, ya gotta show ’em a good time.

Join the Hunt: Saving Hunting by Promoting the Big Picture

Along with the R3 movement (recruit, retain, reactivate), to save hunting’s future we must focus the next generation not only on the fun, physical challenges and nutritious, tasty meals inherent in hunting but also on how it cultivates wisdom and strengthens character.

10 Reasons to Become a Hunter

Do you know a family member, friend or neighbor who may consider joining the hunt? Here’s a long list of reasons that may convince them to do so. Pick the one that fills the bill then watch the drive to hunt kick in after the pursuit begins.

Hunters Not Happy with MeatEater’s Anti-R3 Jab

Article written by MeatEater founder's brother has the potential to divide hunters, but we should not let that happen.

Join the Hunt: When The Spirit’s Right

The moment a hunter encounters a curious spirit is an ideal time to influence a future educator, leader and voter. If we remain prepared for these opportunities, we can take advantage of them.

Join the Hunt: Now is a Good Time to Deal with Death

Sooner or later all hunters “have a moment” while hunting. It’s a good bet a new hunter will experience one the first time he takes a head of game. That possibility makes now a good time to prepare him for the emotions that may come this fall.

Join the Hunt: Start Them With Waterfowling

Want to ensure the next generation becomes productive members of society? Consider asking them to join the hunt, and start with waterfowl. Its mix of hard work and fast action is sure to keep ’em coming back—and on the right path.

Mentoring New Hunters: It All Starts with a Gray Squirrel

Contributor Larry Case runs through the benefits of training new hunters on squirrels.

5 Reasons Why You Should Be Squirrel Hunting

If you’re too busy to spend an afternoon chasing bushytails, you’re simply too busy. Here are five reasons why you should invest more time in the squirrel woods.

The Ins and Outs of Public-Land Hunting

For new hunters looking to venture out, public land may be the only option. And while the public option comes with a unique set of challenges, those challenges can be overcome.

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