Wolf Standing

Scientific Management Frustrated Again as Wolves Relisted

A federal judge in California has restored federal protections to gray wolf populations in the Lower 48 (as this wording is a little confusing, note that this ruling does not affect wolves in the northern Rocky Mountains of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming).

NRA Files Suit to Keep Public Lands Open

The NRA-ILA has partnered with SCI, Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation, and RMEF and filed motions to dismiss a lawsuit challenging the USFWS decision to expand hunting and fishing opportunities.

New Shotguns for 2013

We all deal with the off-season in different ways. Some people bum around in a state of depression. Others extend their seasons by building wood duck boxes, erecting duck blinds, giving the bird dog a refresher course and shooting a clay or two. Another coping method is going to a gun store and ogling the new shotguns. Here are but a few examples of new models you'll be checking out in 2013.

American Hunter's 2021 Holiday Gift Guide

The days until Christmas are ticking down, and the frenzy of the holiday shopping season is upon us. No need to panic; we've assembled a handful of gift recommendations for every outdoorsman on your list to fit just about any budget.

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