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California Bans Hunting with Hounds

Let this serve as a reminder of what we're up against: "Animal rights" activists have banned hunting bears and bobcats with hounds in the state of California.

Animal Control Breaks Up Whitetail/Dog Odd Couple

Dogs have long been accepted as man's best friend, but they're pretty social creatures—they can get along with a lot of different species, given time. Locals in Kansas City, Mo., got a glimpse of that first hand this fall when a local stray befriended the neighborhood whitetail, according to this report from The Kansas City Star.

Woman “Buttstrokes” Bear with Shotgun, Saves Husband

Gerre Ninnemann was staying at his Silver Cliff, Wis., cabin when heard a commotion. He looked out a window and—to his horror—a black bear was chasing his dog. He went outside to call the dog into the cabin. The dog made it, but Ninnemann wasn’t so lucky.

Woman Mauled by Feral Cats

A pack of feral cats attacked a woman in France—and managed to pierce an artery in doing so.

Arizona Woman and Dog Attacked by Javelina

An Arizona woman and her dog were attacked by a javelina last week.

Owl Attacks Rabbit Trapper's Face

Kevin O'Neil of Nova Scotia can confirm that owl's do, in fact, have large talons.

The Humane Society of the United States: It's Not About Puppies & Kittens

The name makes it sound like this organization cares about animals—particularly unwanted pets—but its actions are dangerous to hunters, and consumers everywhere.

Second Wolf ‘Incident’ in Exact Same Location Leaves Little Doubt About Wisconsin Wolf ‘Attack’

Though news reports are vague regarding the second “incident,” Wisconsin DNR Large Carnivore Specialist David MacFarland, as well as Wisconsin DNR Chief Warden Todd Schaller have both confirmed the encounter.

Idaho: Four-Year-Old Girl Attacked By Mountain Lion

An Idaho family had a close shave last Friday, August 12, when their four-year-old daughter was attacked and nearly dragged away from a campfire by a mountain lion.

Pending World Record Ram

A possible new archery world record desert bighorn sheep was taken recently in—of all places—southern California. On December 20, 2011, Brett Scott arrowed a ram that green scores 180 7/8 inches on the Pope and Young measurement system. The horns measure 35 1/2 and 37 inches in length with 16 1/2-inch bases. If, after the 60-day mandatory drying period, the horn shrinkage is less than an inch, Scott’s ram will be a new world record for archery desert bighorn.

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