Black Bear

Arizona Bear Attack Necropsy

In the wake of last week's deadly Arizona bear attack, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) has conducted a necropsy on the animal.

Grouse Hunter Kills Mauling Black Bear

Why did the grouse hunter carry a gun? In case of a bear attack, of course. Unfortunately, the unlikely scenario became a frightening reality for one Wisconsin man and his dog.

Oregon Hiker Killed in Suspected Cougar Attack

A hiker found dead near Mount Hood National Forest was killed in a suspected a cougar attack. If confirmed, wildlife officials said it would be the first fatal cougar attack in Oregon’s history.

Wyoming Hunting Guide Killed in Grizzly Attack

Wyoming hunting guide Mark Uptain was found dead after he and a client were attacked by a grizzly bear on Sept. 14 while field-dressing an elk in the Teton Wilderness.

Massachusetts Family Attacked by Rabid Bobcat

Wild animal attacks of varying degrees occasionally happen—when we venture out into nature, we put ourselves at the mercy of it. But it's not often you hear about someone being attacked within the usually friendly confines of their own garage.

Idaho: Four-Year-Old Girl Attacked By Mountain Lion

An Idaho family had a close shave last Friday, August 12, when their four-year-old daughter was attacked and nearly dragged away from a campfire by a mountain lion.

North Dakota Hunter Prevents Mountain Lion Attack

Gary Gorney, of Minot, N.D., was pheasant hunting in the Custer Mine area near Garrison, N.D. on Dec. 26 when he shot and killed a charging mountain lion.

Wyoming Grizzly Bear Attack Reignites Debate

After a fatal encounter occurred in Yellowstone Park on July 22, where a woman was killed on-trail by a grizzly, another attack has happened in the nearby Shoshone National Forest.

Idaho Bear Attack

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game has reported that a black bear attacked a man in the Henderson Canyon area of the state on July 31, as he opened his garage door.

Lessons Learned from a Grizzly Bear Attack on the Kenai

In November 2012, Blake Gettys was tending his trap line in Alaska when a grizzly attacked him. Now, the victim and his storyteller examine the event in detail to determine what, if anything, could have gone better.

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