
Join the Hunt: When The Spirit’s Right

The moment a hunter encounters a curious spirit is an ideal time to influence a future educator, leader and voter. If we remain prepared for these opportunities, we can take advantage of them.

Member's Hunt: The 737 of the Sky and Water

This latest Member's Hunt comes from Jonathan Humphrey of Pinnacle, N.C.

Media Matters: The R3 Power of TV And Film

With media consumption and its influence at an all-time high, positive Hollywood-depictions of hunting may provide a way to introduce new hunters to our ranks.

Shoot in 'The Zone' To Conquer Buck Fever

“Buck fever” is often spoke of as something to be avoided, but this hunter’s-high is what keeps us coming back. Learn these techniques to manage the thrill.

Swan With a Dash of Salt

Any way you measure it, the tundra swan is a lot of bird. But it can’t be hunted in a lot of places. Only eight states, in fact, offer a tundra swan season. Utah is one of them, and near the Great Salt Lake the author sought a wide-winged trophy.

Why Hunt?

Despite what the anti-hunting crowd would like non-hunters to believe, the ethos of hunting is rooted in something far deeper than trophies.

An Accurate Psychology Of Hunting

Studies show that while 79 percent of Americans support ethical hunting, the number of hunters in the United States today is about the same as 50 years ago when there were half as many people. Why don’t more people hunt?

Top 15 Movies for Hunters

Here are 15 films that portray hunters in a positive light.

‘Hunt for the Wilderpeople’ Hits the Bullseye

Rather than accept another move, foster kid Ricky escapes to the wilds of New Zealand with his “Uncle Hec” (Sam Neill). On the lam in the backcountry during a national manhunt, the old man and the boy hunt, live off the land and overcome their differences to survive as a family.

First Light: Going to Pot

Illegal marijuana ‘grows’ are sprouting up on public wildlands.

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