
Know-How: Made in the Shade

Bowhunters tackling the challenge of open-country mule deer hunting face a daunting task: find a buck in millions of acres of cover. Open country is big with unlimited mule deer hideouts, but in the early season you only have to focus on the shady locations for success. Hunt shade instead of deer.

Optics for a Mule Deer Hunt

You may not have the cash to hunt with the high-end gear of the rich and famous, but that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice quality, especially in the optics department.

How to Call a Mule Deer

Mule deer and whitetails share a way with words. If you need to persuade a mule deer to show itself in timber or pry it from a desert crevice, consider deer calls.

An Open-and-Close Case

Wise old mule deer bucks hole up in dark timber … or hide in plain sight. Tactics for one habitat may not work in the other; here’s how to adapt to successfully hunt both.

Scout Mule Deer Now

Hunters who pursue the monarchs of the West for the first time face steep learning curves if they don’t do their homework.

Waning Odds

Perhaps the West’s most sought after big-game species, mule deer continue to prove they are as alluring as they are hard to get.

Where Mule Deer Hide

Mature bucks are different, but the places they look for on public land can be found.

Mule Deer Hunting Is Chess

Start with the board, consider the pieces, and then you’ll see the moves to make on Western bucks.

10 New Year's Resolutions Every Hunter Should Make

The heck with joining a gym, saving money and other cliché New Year's resolutions that nobody sticks with beyond February. How about some that involve hunting?

Black Friday Shopping Pays Off with a 200-inch Mule Deer!

"Black Friday" was the theme of the day in Kansas!

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