
Flint River Armory Introduces .45 ACP Carbine

Looking for a new pig gun? Flint River Armory of Huntsville, Ala, introduces the world’s first .45 ACP carbine that actually works: the CSA45.

Hog-Control, Florida-Style

Want to add a wrinkle to your hog hunting? Chase hogs with dogs then use a Taurus Judge when you get close.

Photos: A Lone-Star Predator Hunt with Browning and Winchester

Get an inside look at Assistant Editor Connor McKibbin's varmint hunt in Texas.

Pig Hunters of the World Unite

It’s time hunters of the world’s most widespread game got some respect!

How to Choose a Hog Hunting Cartridge

What's a "enough gun" for pig hunting? Craig Boddington has the answer.

Texas Considers Hot-Air Hogging

It’s still up in the air, but in an effort to control destructive populations of feral hogs and coyotes, Texas may allow shooting these species from hot-air balloons.

Video: Florida Hog Hunt with Horton Crossbow Innovations

Hog hunting is a thrill all on its own—but stalking pigs through the dense Florida brush and getting into bow range? Now you're talking about adventure. Editor in Chief J. Scott Olmsted recently had the opportunity to join Horton Crossbow Innovations for such a trip, with hopes of attained his first-ever archery kill.

#SundayGunday: Springfield Armory M1A SOCOM 16 CQB

Digital Managing Editor Shawn Skipper discusses the Springfield Armory M1A SOCOM 16 CQB, the latest addition to our #SundayGunday series.

Know-How: Hear-and-Hunt Hogs

Pigs are not only some of the most destructive pests, the animals also happen to be some of the noisiest. Here’s how to silence a pig or two by following your ear.

Hog Hunting at Night, Newbie Style

For a novice hunter, what could be better than the prospect of filling a cooler with wild pork? How about a nighttime hog hunt using thermal riflescopes?

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