
How to Hunt Timber-Dwelling Bucks

Edge habitat is not the only place to find a good buck. But hunting pressure and heat, and attractants like mast crops and scrape lines, may keep a buck away from edges longer than you’d like. Here’s how to hunt the woods to your advantage.

Boomstick Booners: Incredible Stories of Big Bucks

Gross booners are hard to come by. Here are the stories behind seven of them.

There's No Place Like Kansas

Kansas' almost 46 million acres of farmland provide a plethora of food for the state's whitetail herd, a veritable yellow brick road paved in corn and wheat. Add to that available mast browse and relatively mild winters, and you've got the makings for big-racked bucks. Would all those factors coincide to put a giant in front of the author? Only time in a stand will tell.

Quick Tips for Last-Minute Whitetails

The rut may be over, but your season doesn’t have to be. If you’re still looking to fill a tag before the bell tolls, these tips can help.

Field Tested: Savage Impulse Straight-Pull Bolt-Action

American Hunter Editor David Herman puts the new Savage Impulse to the test on 12,000 acres of South Texas Hill Country. Read on to see how the swift-shooting straight-pull performs.

20 Common Deer Hunting Mistakes to Avoid

Bad moves work out sometimes, but that’s no reason to live by them.

How to Field Dress a Big Game Animal

The first step to ensuring the quality of game meat is field dressing. Although there are many ways to do so, this method is proven, relatively easy and used by hunters around the world.

The Gateway to ‘Yooper’ Deer

Deer-hunter harvests tallied crossing the Mackinac Bridge have consistently reflected Michigan's Upper Peninsula gun-harvest trends for 62 years.

Rut Strategies: Hunt Wide-Open

Deer hunters know the rut produces unpredictable behavior in bucks. Acknowledge that, and you’ll understand why November is not the month to remain conservative. Instead “open the throttle” and hunt hard.

10 Tips for Hunting Public Land Bucks

While the word “public” conjures visions of overcrowded parking lots and sparse game, those of us hunting public land this fall actually have millions of acres to roam. Do your research, and use this 10-point plan to take advantage of the bountiful public resource.

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