
21st Century Duck Hunting Tips

Duck hunters have more gadgets available to help them kill ducks today than at any other time in history. Don’t be afraid to use them.

Fall Turkey Hunting Tactics

By this time of year, toms have regrouped into bachelor bands and hens have gathered with their poults, which means turkeys enjoy the security of large flocks. Here’s how to outfox all those eyes and ears and take home a bird for Thanksgiving.

How to Put the Sneak on Elk and Elk Hunters

If you think you’ll have elk country to yourself, think again. It’s as crowded as ever. To be successful these days, you have to get downright diabolical. Here’s how to do it.

Shadow Hunter

Shadows can be your biggest ally or greatest curse, which makes managing them one of a waterfowler’s top priorities.

Know-How: Why Motion Kills

Waterfowlers love wind. Because birds typically land into it, wind helps to channel ducks and geese in a definitive direction so you can set your spread and hide accordingly. It also moves the decoys, which makes them look more realistic and therefore more likely to fool your quarry.

Know-How: Cures for Call-Wise Gobblers

How do you teach someone to call in turkeys when the only places he has to go are public lands with pressured birds?

Know-How: Crossbow Hacks

Hunting with a crossbow? Here are a few tips that should help make your life a little easier.

Know-How: Lie Down for Longbeards

While it may not be as comfortable as a padded seat at the base of an old tree, there’s a time and place to go prone for turkeys. But it pays to practice first.

Tips and Tactics for Big-Water Duck Hunting

Interested in trying your hand at open-water fowling? Here’s what you need to know.

Following Footprints

Remember, tracking will not always be successful. Be persistent and sooner or later it will happen.

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