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Some Good News (Finally) for Bobwhite Quail

It's been grim times for the bobwhite quail, as wild populations have fallen due to habitat loss and other reasons. However, through careful efforts and occasional luck from Mother Nature, they have stabilized and even resurged in certain southern and Midwest states.

Know-How: 5 Bow Season Tips

Senior Editor Karen Mehall Phillips offers five tips that every bowhunter should keep in mind this hunting season.

Montana Rifle Company Offers Pick of Litter at NRA Show

Litter in this case, of course, refers to new hunting rifles—not hunting pups—starting with offerings from the Montana Rifle Company in Booth No. 1557!

Climb High, Get Loud and Move

Elk activity in September can be broken into three periods. To hit pay dirt, know which one you’re hunting.

New From Montana Rifle Company

Montana Rifle Company is so passionate about the hunting industry that it rolled out a new cabin-style booth.

2016's Top New Rifles

The industry's hottest new releases were on display at SHOT Show 2016 last month. Here's our roundup of some of the year's top new rifle offerings.

Must-Have Turkey Gear for 2016

Don't go into the turkey woods unprepared.

Best Spring Bear Areas

Planning your spring black bear hunt? Here's where you need to be.

Montana Rifles Displays Unique Muzzle Brake Ideal for Hunters

Montana Rifles, Booth 4365, introduces its Flats Brake.

Top Deer Gear 2016: Big Sky Shooter

Do you track deer across the wide open plains? Check out some of the best tools for the job.

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