
NRA-ILA Joins Colorado’s Stop the Wolf Coalition

The NRA supports the state’s professional wildlife managers over ballot-box biology of animal-rights extremists.

New California Ammo Regulations Drive Hunters From the Field

California's most recent package of firearm regulations were implemented this past year, and, as usual, they've done more harm than good. These new laws, full of red-tape hurdles, are driving hunters to quit hunting.

Join the Hunt: 5 Ways to Help Your Hunting Heritage

Supporting the next generation of hunters is crucial to our sport. Along with taking a newbie into the field to show him the ropes, there are several other behind-the-scenes opportunities to get involved and lend your experience to this worthy cause.

Join the Hunt: Our New Mission to Recruit More Hunters

As NRA members and hunters, we have the responsibility to increase our ranks. Through our NRA memberships, we have all the resources needed to do exactly that. So what's stopping you?

Federal Judge Returns Grizzlies to Protected Status

A federal judge has reinstated federal protection for grizzlies in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, canceling scheduled hunts in Idaho and Wyoming.

Breaking News: Zinke Signs Order Prioritizing Big Game Migration Corridors

Today's secretarial order drives more resources into wildlife habitat restoration and federal/state/private landowner collaboration.

NRA’s Chris Cox to Headline SCI Gala on Feb. 3

NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris Cox will address the crowd at SCI’s Saturday Evening “Grand Finale” Gala.

The NRA’s Campaign to Save Hunting

Fueled by passion and political clout, the NRA goes on record to save hunting’s future.

Pete Brownell Elected NRA President

Pete Brownell of Montezuma, Iowa was elected by the National Rifle Association Board of Directors as President May 1, 2017, following the 146th NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Atlanta.

Arizona May Ban Big-Cat Hunting

Arizona hunters may no longer be able to take mountain lions or bobcats, as SB 1182, a bill drafted by Arizona State Sen. Steve Farley (D-Tucson), seeks to end the hunting of the big cats. Backed by a fine of no less than $8,000, and potentially much more, the bill, if passed, would make mountain lions and bobcats a “protected” species.

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