
Must-Have Hunting Camp Gear

Be it the backcountry or the back forty, this collection of gear makes camp more comfortable for all.

Free Hunter Education Online: NRA’s Gift to Hunters

In 1949, your NRA developed a program that became the basis for hunter education nationwide. Today, as new modes of communication allow such education to reach even further, your NRA crafted a new hunter education curriculum and offered it to the hunting world free of charge.

Survival 101: The Tools and Skills You'll Need When Your Hunt Goes South

Here are the tools and skills you’ll need to prevent back luck from becoming a crisis.

First Light: NRA Introduces Online Hunter Education Course

Here's why NRA's free online hunter education course,, is the new standard by which all other hunter safety courses will be judged.

How to Find More Elk Sheds

Shed elk antler hunting is popular as a pastime and a business—mainly because sheds are found in some of the most picturesque country on the continent, and their sale delivers dollars. But make no mistake, it is hunting. Heed our man’s advice, based on experience, for a successful spring outing.

Things I (Just About) Always Carry Afield

Some things should always be at a hunter's side, some are nice comforts and some may save your life. Here's what you should consider taking into the field.

Survival Gear for the Hunter

No matter how prepared you may be, there's always a chance for disaster when in the field. Should that time come, you'll want to be equipped for survival.

How to Avoid Opening Day Disasters

Opening day of hunting season! How we love it. How we anticipate it. How we should fear it …

How to Make Hunting Fun for Kids

If you’re looking to make a hunter out of your young apprentice, realize that comfort can either water or whither a new hunter’s interest. Make sure those early hunts are as enjoyable as possible, and you’ll be begging them to take you along in later years.

Bivy Basics: When You Need to Overnight in the Woods

Whether you want to conserve calories or “stay with the game” overnight, sometimes it makes sense to bivouac in the backcountry. Before you do so, it pays to carefully consider options for shelter, water, food and more.

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