
How Much Do Coyotes Affect Deer Populations?

How much do coyotes affect deer populations? Wildlife biologists are now finding some astonishing answers.

Therapy for the Aging Hunter

Hunting is a way of life, no matter your age.

Do Yellowstone Visitors Lack Respect for Wildlife or Just Common Sense?

Reports out of Yellowstone National Park prove that visitors may be entering the park without one very important tool: common sense.

Dispelling the Myth about No Hunting on National Parks

Many hunters believe that hunting is banned on all national parks, but the truth is, many parks specifically permit it.

Federal Management in Question as Wolves Sport-Kill 19 Elk in One Attack?

Wyoming wolf pack's recent killing spree begs the question: Is USFWS management of wolves going to the dogs?

Hunters May Soon Get Grizzly Bear Tags in the Greater Yellowstone Area

Earlier this month, the USFWS announced that after 41 years of Endangered Species Act protection, the grizzly bear population in the Greater Yellowstone Area has recovered, prompting it to delist the iconic species and turn over its management to the states.

USFWS Proposes Delisting the Grizzly Bear in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

Three western states tout booming grizzly bear populations, thanks to four decades of conservation efforts resulting in the species now hitting carrying capacity.

For the Love of Freedom: A Tribute to NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Member Robert M. Lee

As we celebrate the life of NRA HLF member Robert M. Lee (Oct. 2, 1927-Jan. 28, 2016), he forever will be remembered for his dedication to American freedom and to ensuring the NRA, firearms, hunting, shooting sports and wildlife conservation will remain at its core.

Royalty of the Antlered World

Perhaps there is no greater spectacle in nature than the one elk hunters across America observe every fall as they pursue our continent’s greatest ungulate.

NRA Staff Spotlight: Susan Recce

Meet NRA staff member Susan Recce.

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