
Where Mule Deer Hide

Mature bucks are different, but the places they look for on public land can be found.

Mule Deer Storm

Most folks don’t consider themselves to be trophy hunters. But that doesn’t mean we all can’t hope to conjure a little magic once in a while.

Best State for a Big Mule Deer?

This question came from a comment on a previous blog post on destinations for whitetails.

Tips for Hunting Pre-Rut Mule Deer

Just before the breeding season bucks make seemingly random decisions, forcing us to analyze their habitat’s food, water and cover and how each factor influences their behavior.

Coffee, Classic Country And Colorado Mule Deer

In the northwest corner of the Centennial State, the deer of the West migrates from the high country to winter on lower ground. Every day new critters enter the mix. Sometimes, success is measured by merely being in the right place at the right time.

Black Friday Shopping Pays Off with a 200-inch Mule Deer!

"Black Friday" was the theme of the day in Kansas!

New World-Record Non-Typical Mule Deer Confirmed by Pope and Young Club

An enormous 40-point muley taken in Saskatchewan in 2018 was confirmed as the new world record by the Pope and Young Club with an official score of 291-⅛ inches.

Waning Odds

Perhaps the West’s most sought after big-game species, mule deer continue to prove they are as alluring as they are hard to get.

Know-How: Made in the Shade

Bowhunters tackling the challenge of open-country mule deer hunting face a daunting task: find a buck in millions of acres of cover. Open country is big with unlimited mule deer hideouts, but in the early season you only have to focus on the shady locations for success. Hunt shade instead of deer.

Deer in the Long Grass

Pockets of plum hold prairie mule deer and whitetails—a few little ones. For more bucks and big antlers, look in the grass.

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