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OK, Who Brought the Bear?

Head-scratching incidents have a home here at the "Wilder World Outdoors." The most recent one comes from Washington University in St. Louis, where someone thought it was a good idea to bring a bear to a petting zoo.

Are These Athletes Really Busting Clays?

Are the viral videos featuring a golfer and a football player busting clays with the respective tools of their trade legitimate, or just a little Hollywood magic?

Bear Goes on Rampage in Washington

According to a report from a Fox affiliate out of Fall City, Wash., a bear tore apart three hen houses and a goat cage on a local farm, before setting its sights on one of the property owners.

Wilder World's "Best Of" Whitetail Entries

It's time to look back—in this case, at some of the best whitetail-related "Wilder World" entries thus far. Strap in, folks, this could get bumpy.

When Whitetails Attack

Though far from the most aggressive game animal, whitetail deer have occasionally been known to put a hurting on an unsuspecting hunter. Here are a few "Wilder World Outdoors" posts that involve Bambi "striking back," so to speak.

Wilder World Outdoors: 2014 in Review

A quick recap of some of the whackier stories covered by the "Wilder World Outdoors" in 2014.

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