
Use a Small Enough Gun

Weighing as little as 10 pounds, southern Africa’s often overlooked miniature antelope species require just as much consideration over caliber as their larger plains-game counterparts.

When and What Deer Scent to Use

The most effective scent strategies are also among the most simple to execute. You just need a system.

Arizona Bans Use of Trail Cameras

On June 11, 2021, the Arizona Game and Fish Department Commission voted unanimously to ban trail cameras “for the purpose of taking or aiding in the take of wildlife, or locating wildlife for the purpose of taking or aiding in the take of wildlife.”

Will Texas Use Poison to Eradicate Hogs?

Sid Miller, Texas Department of Agriculture (DOA) commissioner, proposed a change to the Texas Administrative Code in an attempt to control the 5 million feral hogs in the state. The destructive hogs are estimated to cause upwards of $52 million in damages a year in Texas alone, and Miller suggested using poison, specifically Kaput Feral Hog Lure, a bait mixed with the blood thinner warfarin that is normally reserved for humans but happens to be lethal to pigs.

Hornady GMX: Use Enough Bullet

Can an ultra-tough, penetrating bullet turn a non-magnum cartridge into an over-achiever? The author treks to South Africa in search of an answer.

How to Render and Use Wild Game Fat

A meat's distinctive flavors reside in the fat, and with wild animals, it is all dependent on what they have been eating and where they came from.

New-Age Inventions We Can Use for Hunting

Last month TIME magazine ranked "The 50 Best Inventions of 2010." After reading their exhaustive list I was inspired to find a way to get these technological marvels into the woods. Yes, I'm a lazy, tech-dependent product of the smart phone generation, but read this list and try to tell me it wouldn't be more fun to go afield with these once unheard of contraptions. But I'm probably just dreaming…

How to Use Topo Maps to Find Public-Land Gobblers

Mapping routes to hunting spots can be accomplished in the palm of your hand with modern cell phones. However, what most of those images don’t show—topographic lines—may prove to be the most useful information at your disposal.

How to Use Your Natural Night Vision in Low Light

While we'll probably never be able to see in the dark without the aid of expensive electronics, there are a few ways we can optimize natural night vision for low-light scenarios.

Bowhunting: Use a Dual Anchor Point

Consistent shot placement is all about precise repetition. While one anchor point is good, two are better.

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